Speaker Instructions

Pre-conference Preparation

  1. Please check the full program for the time and location of your session and the session chair(s) ahead of time. All the times on the website are local times at Raleigh.
  2. Please upload a word file containing the speaker’s name, affiliation, presentation title, and a one sentence bio that can be used by the Session Chair to introduce the speaker before the talk. The shared drive to upload you file contains one directory for each main conference (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), plus one for the special sessions. Its address will be provided by the TPC chair. The naming convention is:
    [session number]-[paper number]-[author name]-bio.docx

Presentation Preparation

  1. Oral presentation length
    • Full papers: 16 minutes presentation plus 4 minutes Q&A. 
    • LB/WIP papers: 5 minutes presentation including Q&A.
  2. Slides must be landscape and sized for widescreen format (16:9) with 0.5″ in margins. 
  3. Backgrounds should be white and text must be dark. Text fonts and sizes should be appropriate for screen display. E.g., no font sizes smaller than 16 should be used. 
  4. ALL presentations MUST run on the provided PCs. Connecting personal PCs is not allowed due to the very tight schedule. Because of this requirement, please pay attention to the following when preparing your slides:
    • Presentations must not have any DRM (Digital Rights Management) restrictions or other similar copy protections. 
    • All fonts should be fully embedded. Note that embedding multimedia content requiring external player software (especially audio or video embedded into presentations) is very risky so please avoid doing so, or have a backup plan. 
    • For these reasons, pdf is preferred over pptx.
    • Dual-monitor setup is not supported. 
    • You can use the computers at the registration desk to check your slides before the day of your presentation. 
  5. Please upload your presentation before September 26th, to allow us to test. The shared drive to upload your file contains one directory for each main conference (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), plus one for the special sessions. Its address will be provided by the TPC chair. The naming convention is:
    [session number]-[paper number]-[author name]-pres.[pdf,pptx]
  6. Please come with your presentation on a USB stick (no SD cards) as a backup measure.

Poster Preparation

  1. Every accepted paper, regardless of its type, requires participation in the corresponding poster session (immediately after the oral presentation session). 
  2. Please follow the poster guidelines at http://2024.esweek.org/poster-guidelines/ to prepare your posters. You will need to print your poster yourself and bring it to the conference.

Remote Presentations

It is only possible to present remotely with prior agreement from the appropriate conference chairs. This possibility is intended for presenters who are unable to obtain a visa to enter the US.

  1. Remote speakers must upload pre-recorded videos in MP4 format, along
    with one-sentence bios and slides, before September 26 using the name format described above for presentation files. We will test the video and make a copy with the suffix -tested.
  2. Videos may be updated until 30 minutes before the start of the session. Please do not overwrite the pre-tested version, which will be used if problems occur.
  3. It is not possible to do a live presentation by video link.
  4. After your pre-recorded video has finished playing, there will be a live question and answer session. Please connect beforehand to the video link provided by the TPC chairs.