ESWEEK 2024 Registration

Please read the registration information below before clicking this button:

Registrants need to select all the events that they wish to attend in the à la carte menu. For example, the “Main Conference” registration does not include admission to the other events (tutorials, workshops, symposium).

Author Registration

  • Each author registration is valid for 1 paper submission.
  • For each paper accepted at the main conference (journal paper, late-breaking, work-in-progress, special session, etc.), or the MEMOCODE Symposium, at least one author must register at the full rate (i.e., not student rate) for the corresponding event (main conference or MEMOCODE symposium). If you have two accepted papers, it is preferred that two different authors register as “ESWEEK Author” and present the works. If that is not possible, then you must register twice as “ESWEEK Author” — once for each paper.
  • The author registration deadline is August 23, 2024.

Registration Fee

IEEE/ACM Member Non Member IEEE/ACM Student Member Non Student Member
Main Conference Sep. 30–Oct. 2 Early $850 $950 $450 $550
Regular $950 $1,050 $550 $650
MEMOCODE Symposium Oct. 3—4 Early $400 $400 $300 $300
Regular $500 $500 $400 $400
Two-Day Workshop Oct. 3—4 Early $400 $400 $300 $300
Regular $500 $500 $400 $400
One-Day Workshop Oct. 3 or 4 Early $225 $225 $175 $175
Regular $275 $275 $225 $225
Tutorials Sep. 29 Early $225 $225 $0 $0
Regular $275 $275 $0 $0
Virtual Education Classes Sep. 27 Early $25 $25 $25 $25
Regular $25 $25 $25 $25
  • The early registration deadline is August 30, 2024.
  • All rates listed are in USD.
  • Registrants can select à la carte from the Main Conference, Memocode Symposium, and Workshops, Tutorials, and Education Classes. The total registration fee will be the sum of the selected events.

  • Main Conference and Tutorial registrations include admission to the
    welcome reception on Sunday, September 29, 2024.
  • Main Conference includes admission to the banquet on Tuesday, October 1, 2024
  • Additional banquet tickets can be purchased for $160 per person

  • If you need a visa support letter, please indicate your requirement during the registration process. Once your registration is complete and fully paid, a letter will be automatically sent to you.
  • For questions regarding registration, please email Man-Ki Yoon (

Cancellation/Substitution Policy

  • All refund/cancellation requests must be made in writing and received by August 30, 2024. A USD$100 administrative fee deducted from each refund.
  • Substitutions are not allowed.